December 29, 2008

Small Accomplishments.


*i mean "stop being an idiot" like i was always an idiot (fact)
**and "online window shopping" as going online and staring at clothes that i can buy with invisible play monies that i think i have in my imaginary endless bank account. what kind of deluded world have i been living in these past five months?!

December 27, 2008

December 21, 2008

i want it all

something's wrong when i'm on the constant lookout for a 21st birthday dress.


December 15, 2008

i laugh when i have bizarre movie dreams about me seeing Death Cab for Cutie open up for Jack's Mannequin (which was not my idea) and girls crying and aunts and awkward kissing on shoulders. sometimes i feel like everything and nothing comes out of my mind and it's strangely cool.

i'm glad i'm going home tomorrow.

December 11, 2008

i can't believe what i do so late at night

Lately, my days have been like this:
- get up at 11 (or later)
- lie in bed for 1.5 hours
- loaf
- eat
- complain about lack of food
- listen to britney spears (double points if it's "Kill the Lights")
- get dressed to go outside
- decide against going outside
- finally end up going outside, only to come back in less than two hours
- complain about lack of food
- ...sleep after 2am.

I don't know why I've decided to be lazy. It's my last week of the semester! Shouldn't I be working on Visual Literacy or something? No. Non.
My mind's telling me no, but my body -- my body's telling me yes the same exact thing.

Finals and I never mix. It becomes this vicious cycle of laziness and caffeine and gets up to the point where I'm laughing my ass off about how bad my third Lush Bath Bomb experience was and proclaiming how I would rather become a tambourine player for a band and tour rather than finish school and be a journalist.
J-school is fucking hard work. School is bad when you can't even do what you want to do because The Man is trying to take you down in any way possible.

Anyways. I've realized that I need to make a 'Walking to School' mix during Winter Break. Nada Surf's "Inside of Love" led to the most dream-like walk to campus I've had in the past four months. Everything seems so much better when your life has a soundtrack. I suppose I'll be making a "Taking a Piss" mix too, but that's probably going to take a while...
I think I'd need to appreciate the beauty and awe-inspiring thing that is urinating. I wonder why I find no joy out of it sometimes -- it's the only automatic relief I can think of.

December 9, 2008

when i'm alone i feel so much better

AGH AGH finals are stressing me out.
stress and getting upset does not bode well for me, friends, so in times of pressure
i'm going to keep doing these until i pass out (which i did, and it was great. best nap of my life)

November 30, 2008

christmas in virginia begins!

i can't believe how quickly they bought a tree. they got it while i was at work and now we're decorating.

i ♥ my lola. [she saw the picture and called herself bald, which was hilarious and saddening at the same time.]

November 28, 2008

adventures in baking (and failed attempts)

thanksgiving was satisfying, to say the least. i had some good turkey and took a great nap afterwards and loafed around my aunt's house doing absolutely nothing (besides play a round of guitar hero).

i made bakerella's cake balls for my part in the thanksgiving feast with the fambam, and they turned out awesome. i'd tried to do it once with adam -- a half-assed attempt for the sake of doing it, of course -- and they turned out like this:

the fucking nastiest looking thing ever
gross cake balls.

appealing, right? i know. we had fun with them though, turning them into hilarious shapes (one of them being an actual turd). visually? they make me want to vomit.
taste-wise? if you don't pay attention to the fact that they look like actual pieces of shit, they were just smushed cake and frosting. kind of bland, but i didn't really care.

so after this mess of a plan, i decided to wait a couple weeks for thanksgiving to roll around so i could actually do justice to these things. i bought coconut to mix in, chocolate chips (for the coating), and went to it. after a lot of mess and a lazy helper who kept eating the cake before it'd even been cooled, this awesomeness was born:


and they were cakey and delicious and soooo worth it.

November 27, 2008

story of my life

November 20, 2008

to meet with the geek, all you need is a heartbeat

i will never get tired of this song.

November 19, 2008

my life in a nutshell:
- visual literacy
- film & the human body
- sign language
- work and community
- working on the weekends. until december 6th, at least.

finals are approaching, i'm seemingly caring less and less each day --
upside? i'm home in less than a month.
downside? i'm home in less than a month.
then back, then off to the philippines, then jet lag and returning to the daily grind.

i just want to eaaaat foods and drink mexican hot chocolate and hang out with people i enjoy on a more consistent basis.
is that too much to ask?

(yes, apparently)

November 12, 2008

with god as my witness

if only my mornings were as glamourous as holly golightly's.
i've gotten into this horrible habit of being sleepier than usual, resulting in awkward naps and even groggier mornings.
that, and i feel less inclined to do the work that i sacrificed for the sake of sleep for the morning and don't get it finished until ten minutes before class.

i need a more uppity, optimistic version of myself that would be more willing to pull all-nighters --
oh wait, that was me last year!

November 11, 2008

kristine fails at school.

11.11 - S.O.S.

I'll get my life on track...

November 10, 2008

large flowers.

I've never been more attracted to this ridiculous thing more. When you see this huge ass flower paired up with this dress, it's actually really gorgeous.

Fashion is so bizarre.